を(wo), read as お (“oh”) when used as a particle, is a particle that marks the direct object of the sentence. More simply, it marks the target of a verb. Like all particles, it comes after the word it marks. Using を with する(suru), a generic verb meaning “to do” looks like this:
- Aをする – Do A.
Most action verbs will use を
- ご飯を食べる (gohan wo taberu) – Eat food.
- ボールをける (booru wo keru) – Kick (a/the) ball.
- TVを見る (TV wo miru) – Watch TV
- さけをのむ (sake wo nomu) – Drink alcohol
- ゲームをする (Geemu wo suru) – Play a game.
- かれをける (Kare wo keru) – Kick him.