Hotel Vocabulary and Phrases

Hotel Vocabulary and Phrases

This page is designed to give a crash course in hotel vocabulary and basic 敬語 expressions.
Work In progress. To be updated rapidly for a friend.


Specific Terminology

  • アライバルチェック (Also known as あらいば) – Arrival check. Not necessarily todays arrivals.
  • アメニティー – Amenities
  • OTA  (オーティーエー) – Online Travel Agency 
  • インバウンド – Inbound Guests (Foreign)
  • 外出中 – Currently out of (Hotel)
  • 清掃 – Cleaning
  • 清掃チーム – Cleaning Team
  • 清掃中 – In cleaning.
  • ベッドメイク – Making the bed.
  • ホウレンソウ – Report, Contact, Discuss – In other words, communication

Common Items/Expressions

  • お盆 – Tray
  • デュヴェイ – Duvet. A thick comforter type thing.
  • 検温 – Temperature Check
  • 全館 – Entire hotel
  • 禁煙 – No smoking
  • 喫煙スペース – Smoking Area
  • 非常出口 – Emergency Exit
  • 非常階段 – Emergency Stairs
  • 非常はしご – Emergency Ladder
  • 自動ドア – Automatic Door


  • 失礼します/失礼いたします (Choose one)
    Said every time you move past a guest, or encounter a guest, or at the start of a conversation with a guest. 
  • どうぞこちらへをおかけになってください –
    Please have a sear here. (Pull out the chair)
  • よろしければこちらへおかけになって少々お待ちください
    Please have a seat and wait.
  • 全てのお客様に検温へのご協力をお願いいたしております
    We are asking all guests for  cooperation with a temperature check.
  • 全館禁煙でございます
    There’s no smoking anywhere in the hotel.
  • そちらの出口を出て左側の喫煙スペースをご利用くださいませ
    Please use the smoking area outside that automatic door and to the left.


Phone Calls

By far the most stressful part.

  • Received calls begin with “Hotel Name + Nameでございます。
  • Placed calls to Business partners begin with “いつもを世話になっております、Hotel Name + Nameでございます
  • Calls to guests not in the hotel begin: Hotel Name + Name でございます
  • Calls to guests in the hotel NOT after 10:00p.m. Begin with: フロントでございます。 お寛ぎのところを大変失礼しますが。。 
  • Calls to guests after 10:00 p.m.: Don’t. Or “夜分遅くに大変失礼しますが。。”
  • Phone calls you have no idea about (Business): 担当はただいま席を外しております。改めてお電話を折り返しいたします。 Take a note as best you can, record number. (Additional reading on this)
  • Phone calls from guests you are clueless about: 確認いたしますので少々お待ちいただけないでしょうか。
  • Phone calls you don’t know about where someone else is there who does know: 担当に代わりますので少々お待ちください。


Guest Interactions

  1. Always be mindful of presentation. 
  2. Do not let guests see you in anything other than a suit.
  3. Do not let guests see the back-office workings of a hotel. Paperwork, towels, etc. 
  4. Do not let guests see you with a towel or cleaning basket
  5. Slowly Ring the doorbell (Long press), wait, then knock Twice. Wait. Then Enter (if they aren’t there).
    Do not knock once. Do not knock 3 times. Knocking 3 times “is like a bathroom”. 

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