Simple Noun Expressions

Simple Noun Expressions


Worth doing
Plain form verb + かいがある
ます Stem + がいがある

甲斐がある (かいがある) is a phrase meaning that something has value. In other words, its worth it.

This expression may also be seen as 価値がある.

This pattern is usually past tense.

  • 頑張ったかいがあった
    It was worth trying hard.

  • 教師はやりがいがある仕事だ
    Teaching is a job worth doing. (fulfilling)

  • 彼女の顔を見ると、本当に苦労したかいがあったと思う.
    Looking at her face, I think it was really worth suffering. 



You probably already know this one. 可能性 means “Possibility” and 可能性がある means “there’s a possibility.

  • 治療しないと死ぬ可能性がある
    If we don’t treat it, there’s a possibility you might die.

  • 大阪に引っ越す可能性がある
    There’s a possibility of moving to Osaka.

  • 彼ができる可能性がゼロ
    The possibility of him being able to do it is zero.


There’s a worry that…

恐れがある is a fancier way of saying 可能性がある, but with negative things.
It is an objective and formal phrase, and tends to be used in news and announcements.

  • 大雨による洪水の恐れがある
    There’s a worry of flooding due to the heavy rain.

  • 料理の後にガスを切らないとガス爆発の恐れがある。
    If you don’t turn of the gas after cooking there’s a worry of an explosion.

  • 逃亡した容疑者は武器を持っている恐れがあります.
    There’s a worry that the fleeing suspect has a weapon. 


What is called…/Often called
いわゆる + Noun
Noun + と + いわゆる

いわゆる is technically an adjective, but I’m including it there.
It just means “So called” or “it is called”. i.e. 言われる.

  • 彼はいわゆる「科学の天才」だ。
    He is called a “scientific genius”.

  • カニに似ている生物に進化する傾向はいわゆる「カニ化」だ
    The tendency for creatures to evolve into crabs is called “Crabization” (carcinization)

  • 私の好きな食べ物はピザ、ハンバーガーで、いわゆるアメリカンフード大好きです。(Weblio)
    My favorite foods are pizza and hamburgers so I really like what is called “American food”.

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