Location (area) marker (“in” or “at”)
“how” or method marker (“with” or “by”)

The で particle has two main uses:

  1. An area marker (The area of the sentence)
  2. Means marker (The how of a sentence)


Area marker

As an area marker, it is similar to に (ni) but, it marks a location as an area instead of a point. The closest English word is “in” or “at”

  • いえべる。ie de taberu – Eat in (my) home.
  • 学校がっこう勉強べんきょうする。gakkou de benkyou suru – Study in school. 

Comparison with に

As mentioned earlier で marks an area and に marks a point. 

  • としょかん勉強べんきょうする – Study in the library. – Library is an area. (using the library)
  • としょかん勉強べんきょうする – Study at the library. – Library is a place. (static place).
  • がっこういる✖- Exist as/in the entire school ✖ (Exist is a point)
  • がっこういる – Exist at the school. 


How marker

で also marks the  means or “how” of a sentence. This typically notes the thing used to do an action. In English it translates to “on” “with” or “by”. Answers the “how” of a sentence. 

  • てれびる。Terebi de miru. – See on TV (see how? the tv)
  • 電話でんわはなす。denwa de hanasu. Talk on the phone. (talk how? on the phone)
  • えんぴつで く。enpitsu de kaku. – Write with a pencil. (Write how? with a pencil)
  • くるまで いく kuruma de iku – Go by train. (go how? by train)

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