External Resources

External Resources

Rikai-kun (Chrome extension), tells you pronounciation and meaning of words

Denshi Jisho – Basic Japanese dictionary.

Furigana maker – puts hiragana or katakana over kanji, from NihongoDera

Anki – spaced repetition flashcard software.

Romaji Maker – For those who are still learning Kana. Do not use this for long.

Tofugu – Japanese blog/material. A bit long winded and combines materials from many levels

Tae Kim’s Guide – My personal favorite site when I was studying Japanese.

絵でわかる – My favorite site for Japanese explanations of nuances. With pictures.

Hi Native – A site to ask natives questions. Questions and Answers typically in Japanese

Japanese Language Stack Exchange – The holy grail of in depth grammatical discussions about Japanese.

Maggie Sensei – Badly formatted, but contains useful comparisons on some topics. Ran by a dog.

HeadJock – Average Japanese guy explains Japanese in Japanese. One of my favorite sites. Might also be a dog.

Nihongo No Sato – A no longer updated site that only has some N2 grammar, but I like it.

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