かたがた, がてら, and かたわら

かたがた, がてら, and かたわら

This page explains かたがた、がてら, and かたわら、expressions that mean “while” or “at the same time”.


Do A and B
Noun + かたがた

かたがたis most similar to ついでに
It expresses that you did one action for two goals.
Sometimes the second goal is the verb itself. (See example 1)
The main goal comes first. 

かたがた is fairly formal and typically used with business/Keigo related things. 

Main goal (60%) + かたがた + Sub Action (40%)

The first part (sub action) tends to be words like 報告、お礼、or 見学
The second part tends to use movement/asking type words like 行く、訪ねる、伺う


  • お礼かたがた伺いました
    To say thank you, I came by. (I also came by to say thank you)

  • 彼は東京へ商用かたがた遊びに来た (Weblio)
    He came to Tokyo for business, and also  to play. 

  • お仕事かたがた一度遊びにいらしてください (Gac20202)
    Come to play once as well when you come for work. 


Do A, and do B while at it (ながら)
Noun + がてら
ます stem + がてら

がてら has almost the same meaning as かたがた, except it is a bit less formal sounding, and places more emphasis on the first action. Additionally, it is more similar to ながら, since it suggests that the sub-action took place during the main action.

Main action (80%) + がてら + Sub action (20%)


  • 散歩がてら銀行による
    While taking a walk, stop by the bank.

  • 勉強がてらニュースを聞く
    While studying, listen to the news.

  • がてらに店に行く
    While going home, go to the store.


Main Job A, and Side Job B
Noun + + かとわら
Plain form verb + かたわら

(傍ら) かたわら* also means “while” but is typically limited to jobs and work.

Main activity + かたわら + Side activity

Almost exclusively used about working. 

*傍ら literally means “beside”


  • 教師を務める傍らにウエブサイトを運営しています
    Manage a website while working as a teacher. 

  • 警察官傍ら学校の警備員もやっている。
    Work as a school security guard while working as a police officer.

かたがた and がてら

Although I explained the differences between かたがた and がてら as:

がてら: Main action (80%)+ がてら + Sub action (20%), ながら
かたがた: Main action (60%)+ がてら + Sub action (40%), ついでに

The difference isn’t that important.

Since かたがた tends to be used with more formal words like 報告、お礼, etc.,
Chiebukuro and Oshiete suggest that one difference between the two is that かたがた sounds more formal.

A general rule is if the sentence is business related (I.E. you are using Keigo) you want to use かたがた, and if its just a variant of ついでに, you should use がてら. 


Oshiete – Best and most accurate かたがた + がてら difference answer (I think)
Chie – かたがた + がてら Difference 

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