

This page explains ごとく (sometimes written 如く) and it’s variants:

  • ごとく – Adverb
  • ごとし – Noun
  • ごとき – Adjective
  • Person + ごとき – Something inferior

ごとく and its variants are all formal literary words. You are unlikely to hear them spoken, but there are exceptions.

ごとく and its variants typically connect to nouns, but may connect to verbs via が or かの。
In rare cases nouns may use が instead of の.

如く is a popular game using ごとく.

See also ことごとく


Noun + の + ごとく
Plain form verb + が/かの + ごとく

ごとく is an adverb meaning “Like” or “as if”. It is a formal, literary equivalent of のよう

May appear at sentence end or modify verbs


  • 彼の声は雷ごとく響いた
    His voice boomed like thunder.

  • 烈火ごとく怒る (Weblio)
    Angry as a blazing flame. 

  • 脱兎ごとく逃げる
    Run away like a fleeing rabbit. (Common expression)

  • 彼の批評は寸鉄人を刺す如く(Weblio)
    His criticism was like being stabbed with a short blade. 


Noun + の + ごとし
Plain form verb + が/かの + ごとし

ごとし is the noun form of ごとく it appears exclusively at the end of a sentence.


  • 彼のファンは嵐ごとし
    His fans are like a storm.

  • 人生はゲームごとし
    Life is like a game.

  • 彼は影ごとし
    He is like a shadow.


Noun + の + ごとき
Noun + の + ごとき + Noun
Plain form verb + が/かの + ごとき

ごとき is the adjectival version of ごとく. It may appear at the end of a sentence or modify nouns. 


  • 女神ごとき美貌
    Beauty like a goddess

  • 如きが空を覆ている
    Storm like clouds were covering the sky.

  • 如き才能は見たことがない
    I have never seen talent like his. *Compare this to the pattern below

Person + ごとき

Something as inferior as a..
Person/Group + ごとき (NO の)

ごとき has a second meaning of “something as inferior as a..”
This is a condescending expression.
Used with people or groups you look down on, like children.

Usually used to express bad things, typically with words like したくない、訳がない, etc.
Very very commonly used with 負ける


  • 子供如きに負けるわけがない
    There’s no way I’d loose to something like children. (Looking down on them)

  • カメ如きに負けるものか
    There’s no way I’d loose to a turtle. (Said the hare).

  • 如きにはわからない
    There’s no way he can understand it.

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