

X means…
Word/Clause + とは


とは is used to mark the thing being defined.
It essentially makes the word or clause before it into a noun via quoting と
It is essentially: 「A」は…

Frequently used with なんですか?and どういう意味ですか?
In informal situations, you may end the sentence with とは and omit 何ですか etc.

とは is an abbreviation of というのは.

This is so easy I am considering moving it to N3 or N4. Let me know in the comments what you think.


Common applications of とは are:

  • To define a word
  • To ask for the definition of a word, such as when googling something
  • To ask for clarification or more detail on a statement
  • Sometimes expresses discontent with the clarification usage


  • 虚栄心とは
    What is 虚栄心? (きょえいしん)

  • 虚栄心とは「自分を大きく見せようと見栄を張りたがる心」を意味します. (Source)
    虚栄心 (vanity) means  “The desire to present yourself as important and show off” 

  • 「彼を片付けます」とはどういう意味ですか
    What does “I’ll clean him up” mean? (Fire him? Kill him? Yell at him?)

  • 寝坊したとはどういうことだ?
    What do you mean you slept in? (It can also be used like this)

  • マクドというのはマクドナルドの省略だ。
    (The thing called) Makudo is an abbreviation of McDonalds. 

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