More こと Expressions

More こと Expressions

This page explains some more こと expressions, though they should be easy at this point.

  • ことだし – Well its X so..
  • ことなしに – Without
  • ことのないよう – So as to not…
  • をいいことに – Abusing a situation


Since its…(Reason for judgement, suggestion, decision)
Plain form word + ことだし

ことだし is exactly what you would expect it is, ことだ + (unsaid things/reasons).
It functions almost identically to ので or から, but tends to be used for the reasons for a judgement, suggestion, or decision.

Tends to be used with ようだ or suggestion type grammar.

Fairly rare, but nouns and な adjectives may connect using である instead of の/な


  • もう終わったことだし、忘れよう
    Well its already finished so lets forget about it.

  • 仕方のないことだし、自分を責めても意味がない
    It was unavoidable, so there’s no point in blaming yourself.

  • 病気で入院されたことだし、責められない
    You were hospitalized for being sick, so no one can blame you.


Plain form verb + ことなしに

ことなしに also means what you’d expect it to; “without”.
It is essentially a more literary version of the ending. (or ないで, but it is not used like ないでください)

With negative sentences, it expresses that something can’t be done without..


  • 頑張ることなしにできた
    Managed to do it without any effort.

  • 苦しむことなしに死んだ
    Died without suffering.

  • 勉強することなしに合格できない
    Can’t be passed without studying.


So as to not..
Plain form verb + ことのないよう

ことのないように means “so as to not..”
It expresses what you will do to prevent something from occurring.

ことのないように is a more formal/literary version of ないように

The に may be dropped, and the の may be replaced with が


  • 後悔することないよう頑張ります
    I will try hard so that I won’t regret it later.

  • 問題になることないよう気を付けます
    I will be careful so that it doesn’t become a problem.

  • 彼女をがっかりさせることないよう努力しています
    I’m working hard so that I don’t disappoint her.


To abuse a situation
Plain form verb/い adjective + の + をいいことに
な Adjective/Noun + なの/であるの + をいいことに
Noun + をいいことに

をいいことに literally means “to take as a good thing”, but is used to express abusing a situation.
Typically used about doing bad things when an authority or policing figure is absent.

をいいことに must connect to a noun. It may use こと, but usually uses to nominalize verbs/adjectives
Adjectives may also use

Nouns have a lot of possibilities for connections to をいいことに, but typically connect directly.


  • 先生がいないのをいいことに、テストの問題を話し合った
    Abusing the time that the teacher wasn’t there, we talked about the test questions.

  • 彼の親切さをいいことにどんどん仕事を押し付けた
    Abusing his helpfulness, pushed more and more work onto him.

  • 部長が休んでいるのをいいことに仕事をさぼる
    Abusing the section head’s absence, slacked off on work.

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