N1 て Expressions

N1 て Expressions

This page covers N1 て expressions. They are fairly easy with intuitive meanings.

  • てみせる – I’ll show you/I’ll prove to you
  • てかなわない – Can’t stand
  • てやまない – Can’t stop/Can’t help but..


I’ll show you/Prove to you
Verb て + 見せる

てみせる means “I’ll show you that I will”. It is used to emphasize the definiteness of a statement.
It’s sort of like saying “I promise/I’ll prove it to you”.
Most appropriate if you are doubted about doing/being capable of something.

*てみせる technically has 2 meanings: “Show” and “Strong determination to do”. (Source)

Can be used with words like 絶対


  • あなたを絶対に幸せにして見せる
    I’ll definitely make you happy.

  • 自分で問題を解決して見せます.
    I’ll show you I can fix the problem.

  • N1を合格して見せる
    I’ll prove to you can I pass N1.

  • 仕事の効率を上げて見せる
    I’ll show you I will increase in work efficiency. 


Can’t stand
Verb/Adjective て + かなわない
な Adjective + では + かなわない

てかなわない means “Can’t stand”.
Used for annoying things or things that make you mad.

May appear as てはかなわない, especially with passives.

*かなわない comes from かなう a word meaning something like “Tolerate, bear, to compete with, compare to”. It may still have this original meaning, especially as にかなわない


  • 隣がうるさくてかなわない
    Next door is so noisy I can’t stand it.

  • 家は寒すぎてかなわない
    The house is so cold I can’t stand it.

  • かれは女子にだけ優しくてかなわない
    I can’t stand the fact he’s only nice to girls.

  • 学校が静かかなわない
    I can’t stand the school being so quiet. 

  • 全てを僕に押し付けられてかなわない
    I won’t put up with everything being pushed off to me.


Can’t help but/Can’t stop
Verb て + かなわない

てやまない means “Wont’ stop doing X” or “Can’t help but do X”.
Commonly used for hopes, dreams, feelings, and expectations.

A very common phrase is 願ってやまない.


  • 親は子供を期待してやまない
    Parents can’t help but have expectations for their children.

  • 先生は子供を注意したり、説教したりしてやまないものだ。
    Teachers just can’t help but warn and lecture children. 

  • 彼女の幸せを願ってやまない
    I won’t stop/can’t help but hope for her happiness.

  • 困った人に手を差し伸べてやまない
    I can’t help but reach out my hand to people in need. 

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