からいうと, からすると, and ところをみると

からいうと, からすると, and ところをみると

This page explains some expressions dealing with the basis for judgement.
There is a lot of overlap with perspective.
Overlapping portions are copied and pasted in both articles, with some minor reorganization.


Speaking from
Starting point/Conclusion

からいうと literally means “Speaking from”. It is used to describe:
A starting point for a conversation or a basis for a conclusion.
It is NOT used for perspectives


  • 自分の経験からいうと、これは大事になる – Based on my experience, this is going to be a big deal.
  • 成績から言うと、合格は難しいだろう – Based on their grades, passing is going to be hard. 
  • においから言うと、ホームレスだろう – Based on the smell, they’re probably homeless.

Starting Point

  • 結論からいうと、ダメだ – To start from the conclusion, its no good.
  • 結果から言うと、大失敗だった – Starting from the result, it was a giant failure. 


Judging from

[X post from perspective page]
からすると indicates the basis for a judgment or a point of view.
Literally it could be translated as “If we do (think) from x…”

This pattern may also appear as からすれば or からして. (See below)
The difference between ば and と applies here.
からすると tends to be more commonly used (Natural conclusion).


  • 状況からすると、彼は危ない – Judging from the situation, he’s in danger
  • 社長の表情からするといい知らせじゃないようだ – Judging from the CEO’s face, its not a good announcement. 
  • あの書類の山からすると今夜は長くなる – Based on that stack of papers, tonight is going to be long. 


  • からすれば、彼女は本気じゃない – If we look at it from his perspective, she isn’t serious. 
  • 彼の立場からすると、簡単には許せないだろう – Based on his position, he can’t forgive it easily. 
  • からすれば、子供の巣立ちはつらい – From the perspective of parents, its hard when kids leave home.
  • 子供からすれば、不安であるけど楽しいことだ。- From the perspective of children, its a little scary but also fun. 


からして means the same thing as からすると・からすれば; However it gives an “example” of the basis. In other words one of the things your judgment is based on. It also carries a nuance of “Of course”

Based on X amongst other things, of course its Y
This is a TINY difference. (Source) (Source 2)

  • 服装からして厳しそうだ – Judging from his clothes (and other things), he’s strict.
  • 雰囲気からして、この店は高いようだ – Based on the atmosphere, this restaurant seems expensive. 


Point of view of/Based on

からみると means “from the perspective of”.
It is used to describe the point of view of someone/position, or the basis for a conclusion.


When used to indicate the basis for something, it tends to be used for visible things.
(Not a hard requirement).

  • 様子から見ると怒っているようだ – Based on how theu look, they seem mad.
  • から見るとその店はすっごく人気があるんだ – Based on the line, that store seems really popular.
  • その服からみると、ジムから来ているんだろう – Based on his clothes, he’s probably coming from the gym. 

Point of view

  • から見ると、大したことじゃない – If you look at it from my perspective, its not that big of a deal.
  • 投資家から見ると、大きな損害だけだ – Seen by the investors, its just a big loss. 
  • 政府側から見ると、税金をあげるしかない – If you look at it from the governments side, there’s no choice but to raise taxes. 


Seeing as how…
Observed Action/State + ところをみると + Conclusion

ところをみると references an observed action that is the basis for a conclusion. 
Commonly used with words like expressing a guess or conclusion like だろう, ようだ、etc.  


  • 彼は大声を出しているところをみると、相当怒っているようだ
    Based on him yelling, It looks like he’s quite mad. 
  • 何年更新されていないところをみると、このウェブサイトは廃棄されただろう。
    Seeing as how this site hasn’t been updated in years, It was probably abandoned.
  • 何も盗まれていないところをみると、これは泥棒の仕業に考えにくい – 
    Its hard to think that this was the work of a thief, seeing as how nothing was stolen. 

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