にしたら, からみると, and からすると
This page explains expressions dealing with perspective and point of view.
There is a lot of overlap with phrases that express the basis of a judgement.
Overlapping portions are copied and pasted in both articles, with some minor reorganization.
Point of view
にしたら means “From the perspective of”.
Point of view
- 子供にしたら大切なことだ – Important to children.
- 日本人にしたら無礼だ – Rude from the perspective of Japanese people.
- 社長にしたら許されないことだ – From the CEO’s perspective, it can’t be forgiven.
Point of view of/Based on
からみると means “from the perspective of”.
It is used to describe the point of view of someone/position, or the basis for a conclusion.
Point of view
- 私から見ると、大したことじゃない – If you look at it from my perspective, its not that big of a deal.
- 投資家から見ると、大きな損害だけだ – Seen by the investors, its just a big loss.
- 政府側から見ると、税金をあげるしかない – If you look at it from the governments side, there’s no choice but to raise taxes.
When used to indicate the basis for something, it tends to be used for visible things.
(Not a hard requirement).
- 様子から見ると怒っているようだ – Based on how theu look, they seem mad.
- 列から見るとその店はすっごく人気があるんだ – Based on the line, that store seems really popular.
- その服からみると、ジムから来ているんだろう – Based on his clothes, he’s probably coming from the gym.
Judging from
からすると indicates the basis for a judgment or a point of view.
Literally it could be translated as “If we do (think) from x…”
This pattern may also appear as からすれば or からして. (See below)
The difference between ば and と applies here.
からすると tends to be more commonly used (Natural conclusion).
- 彼からすれば、彼女は本気じゃない – If we look at it from his perspective, she isn’t serious.
- 彼の立場からすると、簡単には許せないだろう – Based on his position, he can’t forgive it easily.
- 親からすれば、子供の巣立ちはつらい – From the perspective of parents, its hard when kids leave home.
- 子供からすれば、不安であるけど楽しいことだ。- From the perspective of children, its a little scary but also fun.
- 状況からすると、彼は危ない – Judging from the situation, he’s in danger
- 社長の表情からするといい知らせじゃないようだ – Judging from the CEO’s face, its not a good announcement.
- あの書類の山からすると今夜は長くなる – Based on that stack of papers, tonight is going to be long.