に従って, に沿って, and に伴って

に従って, に沿って, and に伴って


Changing with, Following/According to
Noun + に従って
Dictionary form verb + に従って

に従って has 2 meanings:
Changing with – Same as と共に, につれて (In this meaning)
In accordance with – Same as に沿って (In this meaning)

May also appear as に従い

*従う as a verb, means “Obey” or “Follow (something)”

Changing With

This usage describes a change that goes along with some other change.
The clause before and after に従って must be a change.

  • 年を取るにしたがって、体が弱くなるGoing along with getting older, your body gets weaker. 
  • 家族が大きくなるにしたがって、食糧費が増えるAs (your) family gets bigger, food costs increase
  • 子供が大きくなるにしたがって、親の言うことを聞かなくなる – As children get bigger, they stop listening to their parents
  • 時代が変わるにしたがい、流行変わる  – As the era changes the trends do too.

も tends to only be used here when the type of change is the same

In Accordance with

Same as にそって
Typically used with rules, instructions, or conscience.
This meaning could be interpreted as “Obey X and do Y”
Preferred over に沿って for things that must be obeyed, like commands or laws.
This meaning may also be used as a conjunction as 従って(Not 従い)

  • 規則に従って罰する – Punish in accordance with the rules. (“Obeying” the rules)
  • 良心に従って行動すべきだ – You should act according to your conscience.
  • レシピに従って作る – Make according to the recipe.
  • 先生の指示に従って整理する – Organize following the teachers instructions.
  • 説明書に従って組み立てる – Put together following the instructions. 
  • 忠告を無視した。したがって罰を与える – You ignored my warning. Therefore I will punish you. 



にそって has 2 meanings:
Along the side of
Following – A plan, rules, suggestion. Same as に従って

*沿う as a verb, means “to follow along with” or “Be beside”.

Along the side of

  • 沿いの土手 – The embankment along a river.
  • に沿って歩く – Walking along the path.
  • 左側端に沿って駐車する – Park along the left side edge. 

According to

Used with rules and instructions.

Preferred over に従って for hopes, dreams, and desires.
(Because these aren’t as much of a command to be obeyed)
(Google agrees, 97k results for “希望に従って” and 2.8m for “希望に沿って”)

  • 彼女の希望に沿って行われた – It was held according to her wishes.
  • 規則に沿って罰する – Punish in accordance with the rules. (In accordance with).
  • マニュアルにそって対応しなければなりません – You must deal with guests according to the manual. 
  • お客様の希望に沿うTo go along with the wishes of the guest. 
  • ご希望に添えず申し訳ございません – Terribly sorry for not being able to meet your expectations.
    *I used 添えず here, this kanji is typically preferred but に沿えず is ok as well (Source)



Changing with, Coming With
Plain form Verb + のに伴って
Noun + に伴って

に伴って also has 2 meanings:
Changing with: Same as に従って、とともに、につれて etc.
Going along with some event – Something that happens as a result of some event.

*伴う as a verb, means “To go along with”.

Changing With

  • 不良の増加に伴い、暴力事件も増している – Going along with the increase in delinquents, violent incidents are on the rise. 
  • 失職率が上がるのに伴って、どろぼも増えている – Going along with the unemployment rate rising, thieves are also increasing. 

Coming With

Used to mention something linked to a main cause.
Can be effects of, reactions to, or aid for.

  • 申請に伴う費用 – Cost that comes with applying. (Application causes a fee)
  • コロナに伴う支援 – Aid that goes comes with Corona (Aid for Corona)
  • 大雨に伴い,洪水注意報も出っている – Along with the heavy rain, a flood warning has come out. 

Quick Comparison

に従って – “Obey” nuance. Preferred for laws and rules. Strongly preferred for commands. 
に沿って – “Follow” nuance. Strongly preferred with hopes, dreams, wishes, and desire type words. 
に伴って – “Goes along withCause and Effect, Cause and Response type sentences.

For experiences, see に基づいて

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