上 Expressions

上 Expressions

This page covers some 上 expressions/variations including:

  • 上 (じょう)
  • 以上は
  • 上は
  • 上で
  • 上に

上 (じょう)

Noun + 上 (じょう)

上 (じょう) means something like “within”. This may be a physical place, subject, field of study, etc.
limits a statement to a particular field or topic.
It functions somewhat like .

*Weblio lists this 上 as having 2 meanings: “vague location or area” and “limited area”. (じょう 5 and 6)


  • 教育ではあってはならないことだ
    Something that absolutely shouldn’t happen in Education.

  • 最強の男
    Strongest man on Earth. 

  • 最悪の戦争
    Worst war in history. (Within History)

  • 想像生き物
    An imaginary animal. (An animal that exists within the imagination).

  • 法律では何も悪いことをしていない
    By the law, I did nothing wrong. (Within the law, I did nothing wrong)

  • 業務問題
    A job-related problem.


Since X, will definitely Y
Plain Form Verb/い Adjective + 以上は
Nouns/な Adjectives + である以上は

以上 is a literary phrase meaning “Since x, definitely y”.
This is the literary form of からには

以上は is commonly used with words like: べき, なければいけない, つもりだ, ことだ, はず, etc.

以上は may sometimes omit the は


  • 彼女が来る以上、家を掃除しないといけない
    Since my girlfriend’s coming, I have to clean my house.

  • 親がカメラで見ている以上は子供を厳しくしかることができない
    Since the parents are watching on the cameras, we can’t yell at the kids too harshly. 

  • 試合に出た以上は全力で頑張る
    Since I’ve come out into the match, I’ll give it my all.

  • 約束した以上、絶対やります. 
    Since I promised, I’ll definitely do it. (See 上は)

  • 彼は男である以上、無視できないはずだ
    Since he’s a man, he shouldn’t be able to ignore it. 


Since X, no choice but/determined to Y
Plain Form Verb/い Adjective + 上は
Nouns/な Adjectives + である上は

上は essentially means the same thing as 以上は, but 上は expresses resolve, while 以上は does not.
One site suggests that while mostly interchangeable, 上は can’t be used in non-pressed or extreme situations. Although actual examples don’t always seem to reflect this.

上は is commonly used with words like: べき, なければいけない, ~たい, つもりだ, ことだ, しかない etc.
上は tends to be past tense more than 以上は (personal opinion)

上は may also sometimes omit は


  • 約束した上は、どんなことがあっても守ります
    Since I promised, no matter what happens I’ll do it.

  • N1を受ける上は真面目に勉強する
    Since I’m going to take N1, I’m going to seriously study.

  • 結婚した上は, 家族を養う義務があるんだ
    Since I got married, I have a duty to also provide for my family.

  •  仕事を引き受けた上はしっかり責任を取らなければならない
    Since I’ve accepted the job, I have to take responsibility for it (and finish it).


After having done… (Past tense + 上で)
Related to (Present tense + 上で)

上で (うえで) is probably the hardest one here to explain, with 2 basic meanings:

  1. After – After having/On top of, Must build on events. Past tense + 上で
  2. Related to – “on the job”, “on alcohol”, “On selling”, etc. Tends to be Present tense + 上で

Unfortunately both of these meanings may use する Nouns + の上で. 


This meaning tends to used with procedures, confirmation, etc. 

  • 確認上でご来店ください
    Please come only after having confirmed.

  • 問題を調べうえで報告してください
    Report after you have investigated the problem.

  • 話し合っうえでの決断だった
    A decision after having discussed it. 

Related to

You could potentially think of this meaning as “Since it is X…”

  • 生き上で友達は重要だ
    Related to living, friends are important.

  • 仕事うえで苦労が多い
    There’s a lot of tough things related to work. (Since its work)

  • 家族を持上で、心配することが多い。
    Related to having a family, there’s a lot of things to worry about. 

  • アメリカに行く上で、準備が多い
    Since I’m going to America, there’s a lot of preparations to make. 


On top of that
Plain Form verb/い Adjective + 上に
な adjective + な上に
Noun + である上に

上に (うえに) means “on top of that“. It is used when listing multiple qualities to stress the goodness or badness of something.
それに comes before the last thing listed.
All things listed must be either all good, or all bad.
上に is mostly used with adjectives and verbs (usually past tense), and rarely used with nouns. 

それに frequently pairs with .
It is similar to その上、and おまけに/さらに

The に may sometimes be omitted from 上に.


  • このレストランは美味しい上に安い。
    On top of being delicious, this restaurant is cheap. 

  • 彼は強くて背が高い上にやさしい
    He’s nice on top of being strong and tall. 

  • ヨーグルトは美味しい上にからだにいい。
    Yogurt is good for your body on top of being delicious. (Not the sugary kind of yogurt).

  • 助けてくれた上に食べ物もくれた
    On top of saving me, he also gave me food.

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