以 Compounds

以 Compounds

This page explains some common 以 (い) compounds:

  • 以上 – More than or equal to
  • 以下 – Less than or equal to
  • 以前 – Before
  • 以降 – After
  • 以後 – From Now
  • 以来- Ever Since

While 以 does have a meaning as a kanji by itself, it is only pronounced い in compounds.
In compounds, 以 means “Including”


Greater than or equal to
The above
That’s all

以上 (いじょう) means “More than or equal to”, “The above” and “That’s all”.

As “More than or equal to“, it is a suffix used with a number or measurement. The measurement may be a noun.
As “The Above” it functions as a pronoun. A more formal/written version of this is 上記 (The above written)
As “That’s all” it functions as a noun. It pretty much only appears as “以上です”. 


Greater than or Equal to: (Number/Measurement + 以上)

  • 50個以上買った
    Bought 50 or more. 

  • 人間以上存在
    An existence more than humans. 

  • 以上頑張った
    Tried harder than him. 

The Above:

  • 以上理由で辞めます
    Quitting for the reasons above.

  • 以上中から選んでください
    Please choose from among the above.

That’s All:

  • 以上です
    That’s all.


Less than or equal to
The following

以下 (いか) means less than or equal to, or “The following/below” It is the opposite of 以上。

As “Less than or equal to“, it is a suffix used with a number or measurement. The measurement may be a noun.
As “The Below” it functions as a pronoun. A more formal/written version of this is 下記 (The following)

See also: 上 Expressions


Less than or equal to:

  • 一日に1枚以下作成する
    Make 1 page or less a day.

  • 彼にとって虫以下存在だった。
    Of less significance to him than an ant.

  • 僕にとってその本は白紙一枚以下価値だ
    To me, that book is worth less than a blank piece of paper.

The Below:

  • 手順は以下通りだ。
    The procedure is as below. 

  • 以下図を参照してください
    Please reference the diagram below.


Before a time, event, or discussion
Not long ago.

以前 (いぜん) simply means “Before”. It includes the time referenced, unlike 前。
It is also commonly used to refer to the not distant past, but can also be used with specific times.
Other wise, its the same as 前.

以前 gives a chronological reference point for a statement.
When referring to the not distant past, it may be used like an adverb.


  • 以前住んでいた町と違う
    This is different to the town I lived in before.

  • 以前より走るようになった
    I’ve become more able to run than before.
  • 博物館で有史以前生物についてわかった (Weblio)
    I learned about prehistoric creatures at the museum. 

  • 以前話したこと覚えている?
    Do you remember the thing I told you about before?


From that point on
Time + 以降

以降 (いこう) means “From that point on” or “After” in a generic sense.
It includes the time it attaches to.
以降 may be used with any “after” time relation, but is typically used with future events, recurring events, and generic clock time.


  • 4月1日以降販売しない。
    From the 1st of April, we will no longer be selling it.

  • いつも20時以降帰る。
    I always get home at/after 8pm. 

  • 昨日は22時以降った
    I got home after 10 yesterday.


From Now

以後 (いご) basically means 以降, with 2 minor differences:

  1. 以後 is used more with less guaranteed events or times (Weblio)
  2. 以後 tends to be used as “From now” or “From this moment onward” (Shogakkan)

This means 以後 is preferred when omitting or not naming a time (Something that 以降 cannot be used for), and when there is more uncertainty.

In my personal experience, 以降 is most of the time except when time is omitted. 

以後 may be used as an adverb.


  • 以後気を付けてください
    Please be more careful from now on

  • 以後お見知りおきを (お願いいたします)
    Pleased to know you from now on. (Expression)

  • 以後こんな失敗をいたしません
    I won’t make this kind of mistake anymore.

  • 0時以後音を出すのはダメだ
    Its not good to make noise after midnight.


Ever Since

以来 (いらい) means “Since X time”
It can only be used to describe a continuing state from the past until now. (Shogakkan, Weblio)


  • 彼が死んだ以来、会社の雰囲気が変わった
    The company atmosphere has been different ever since he died.

  • 20世紀以来、技術がどんどん進んでいる。
    Since the 20th century, technology has been rapidly advancing. 

  • 彼女と結婚した以来、悲しい日なんて一日もなかった
    Ever since I married her, there’s not been a single sad day. 

  • 一人暮らしを始めて以来、外食が続いている
    He’s been eating out ever since he started living alone. 

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