On the Opposite Side, On the flip side
Plain form verb/い Adjective + 反面
な Adjective + な反面
Noun + の反面
反面 is a noun meaning “On the opposite side” or “on the other hand”
Unlike 一方, 反面 links 2 opposite things together.
It tends to be used to suggest good to go along with bad, or bad to go along with good.
- 憂いの反面に喜びがある – On the other side of depression is happiness. (Expression).
- いい給料がもらう反面、残業もしないといけない – The pay is good, but on the other side is overtime.
- 水に強い半面、熱に弱い (Weblio) – It’s strong against water, but on the opposite side weak to heat.
- 優秀な反面、態度が悪い – Although he is very skilled, he’s got a bad attitude.
- 彼女は美しい反面、性格が最悪だ – Although she is very pretty, she has a horrible personality.
その反面 can be used to join 2 sentences instead of just 2 clauses。
- その仕事は十分にお金になるが、その反面1日に12時間働かなくてはならない (Weblio)
The pay is good; On the other hand you have to work 12 hours a day. - 値段はとてもやすい。その反面質もよくない。 – Its very cheap. But its also not good quality.
See also 一方で