Negative こと Expressions

Negative こと Expressions

I split these from the other page because there were too many and these belong together.
They are also annoyingly similar.

  • ことはない – Definitely not, No need to
  • ないことはない/ないこともない – Not impossible, but difficult
  • ないことには + ない – If you don’t, you won’t…
  • ことなく – Without


Definitely not
No need to
Dictionary form verb + ことはない

ことはない is a phrase with 2 similar meanings:

  1. Definitely Not, and
  2. There is no need to

Definitely Not

This meaning of ことはない is a strong way of expressing a negative.
Basically an advanced version of 絶対しない
Putting words like 絶対 or 決して before ない is ok. (Same meaning)

  • このケースなら壊れることはない
    If its this (cell phone) case, it definitely won’t break.

  • 一番必要なときに助けってくれなかった彼をもう二度頼ることはない
    He didn’t help me when I most needed it, so I’ll definitely never rely on him again.

  • 先生が生徒を殴ることは絶対にない
    There’s definitely no way the teacher would punch a student.

  • 皆が一緒に頑張った計画だから、失敗することはけしてない
    It’s a plan we all worked on together, so it definitely won’t fail.

No need

Pretty straightforward.

  • 人を殴ることはない
    There’s no need to hit people

  • 彼を責めることはない
    There’s no need/reason to blame him.

  • こけたからといって、なくことはない
    Just because you fell doesn’t mean you need to cry.

  • 彼がいなくても、怖がることはない
    Just because he isn’t here doesn’t mean you need to be afraid.



It’s not like its impossible but..
ない form verb + ことはない

ないことはない means “Its not that we can’t/its impossible but..”.
Basically, its a way of (reservedly saying) “it’s possible but..”

This pattern expresses that while it may be possible, it would be difficult.
From a store clerk/etc., it is a nice way of saying “No”. 

ことはない may alternatively appear as こともない.
こともない is a softer way of expressing the same meaning. (Softening も)


  • 今日中にできないことはないが…
    Its not that we can’t do it today but..(its difficult, expensive, unfair, etc).

  • 頑張らないことはないが、意味がないと思う
    Its not that I can’t try, but I don’t think it matters.

  • 合格できないことはないが。。
    Its not impossible for you to pass…(But pretty hard)

  • ワルドを見つけないことはない
    Its possible to find Waldo…(but not easy or quick).

  • あげないこともないが。。
    Its possible that I may give it to you.


When you don’t, You can’t..

ないことには + ない expresses that “If something isn’t done, then something else can’t/won’t happen”.
It is used to explain a result of not doing something, or what happens if you don’t..

It is similar to なかったら/なければ, but must have a direct cause and effect relationship.
Additionally, the emphasis is on telling the other person what they should do. 

The examples make it a lot easier to understand.
It follows a basic pattern of:

Condition + ないことには + result (that won’t happen) + ない

It very commonly appears as てみないことには


  • やってみないことにはわからない
    If you don’t try, you won’t know. (You don’t know until you try).

  • 貯金しないことには旅行ができない
    If you don’t save up, you won’t be able to go on a trip.

  • 勉強しないことには合格できない
    If you don’t study, you won’t pass. 

  • 謝らないことには許してもらえないよ。
    You can’t get them to forgive you if you don’t apologize. 
  • 走らないことには間に合わないよ
    If you don’t run you won’t make it. 


Plain form verb + ことなく

The easiest one here. ことなく means “without” or ないで
Its more common in literature.

This pattern may also appear as こともなく (Emphasis も).


  • 勉強することなく合格した彼がうらやましい
    I’m really jealous of that guy who passed without studying.

  • ためらうことなく突っ込んだ
    Charged in without any hesitation.

  • 誰も死ぬことなく無事に終わった
    It ended safely without anyone dying.

  • 頑張ることもなく諦めた
    Gave up without even trying.

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