

This page explains 2 common usages of くらい:

  • To give an example of how X something is
  • Bare Minimum or least amount


It’s so X that..(Example)
Dictionary form/ない form verb + くらい/ぐらい
Noun + くらい/ぐらい

くらい can be used with verbs to offer an example of the degree of something.
Both らい and らい are ok.


  • もう立てないぐらい疲れている
    I’m so tired I can’t stand. (Can probably actually stand)

  • 青くなるぐらい寒い
    It’s so cold you’ll turn blue. (turning blue is an example of how cold it feels).

  • 雪だるまみたいに解けるぐらい暑い
    It’s so hot I could melt like a snowman.

  • ぐらい強くなりたい
    I want to become about as strong as him. (He is an example of how strong)

The least

As little as..
Dictionary Form Verb + くらい/ぐらい
Noun + くらい/ぐらい

くらい may also be used to emphasize a low amount of some kind, typically effort or ability.
This is typically used to scold people.


  • それくらいでもできないのか?
    Can’t you even do that much?(that little)

  • 話を聞くぐらいはできるはずだろう?
    You can at least listen to what I’m saying right?

  • 食べるぐらい自分でしなさい
    At least feed yourself.

  • あれくらいは大丈夫
    If it’s just that much it’s ok. 

  • それくらいしかできない
    Can’t do any more than that (low amount). 

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