

Noun + さえ

さえ is a particle meaning “Even X”
It emphasizes some number/noun as “surprising” in terms of the verb.
Its essentially a stronger version of

さえ may become さえ especially with negative meaning sentences.
It just adds extra emphasis to “even”.


  • 先生さえわからない
    Even the teacher doesn’t know.

  • 自分の名前さえも忘れた
    Even forgot their own name.

  • 気づきさえもしなかった
    Didn’t even realize 

  • チャンスさえも与えなかった
    Didn’t even give a chance.

  • 子供さえできることだ
    Something even a child could do. 


(Not) Even with/by X
Method/Person+ でさえ + Verb (Usually negative)

でさえ is an expression, but its meaning isn’t really surprising:
It is just さえ coming after the で particle. Its not really different from さえ, except it is used mostly in negative sentences.
It marks a way/time/how/etc. that is surprising or extreme. Typically used for negative sentences.


  • かれでさえできない
    Not even he can do it.

  • 彼は夏でさえ靴下をはく (Weblio)
    He wears socks even in summer.

  • でさえ動かせない物体
    A thing that not even a car could move. 

  • 専門家でさえもわからないことだ
    Not even an expert knows. 


Minimum Condition
Noun + さえ + Verb ば form
Verb ます Stem + さえすれば
Verb て Form + さえいれば

さえ is also frequently used in conjunction with the ば conditional forms of verbs.
This pattern expresses: “If only we could do X”.
It is used to express a minimum requirement or condition for the rest of the sentence. 
It has to be ば because the stress is on the action


  • さえあれ何とかできる
    If only we had money, we could do something

  • さえあれ。。
    If only we had power.

  • さえこれ大丈夫だ
    If only he would come then it would be ok.

  • 彼女さえいれ幸せになれる
    If only I had a girlfriend I could be happy.

  • この薬を飲さえすれ、楽になる
    If you just take this medicine, you’ll feel better.

  • 忘れてさえいなけれ
    As long as you haven’t forgotten.

  • 宿題さえすれ合格できる
    As long as you do your homework, you’ll pass.

  • さえすれ許される
    You’ll be forgiven as long as you apologize.

  • さえいなけれ大丈夫
    As long as no people are there its ok. 

On top of that

I wasn’t kidding when I told you it was essentially the same as も.
Although rare, it can also be used as も (also) in some sentences.
It has more of a “on top of that” or “It even then..” meaning though.
Commonly used with だけでなく


  • 風が吹き出していただけでなく、さえ降りだした (Weblio)
    Not only was it windy, it even started raining. 

  • 車がガス欠になっただけじゃなく、タイヤさえもパンクした
    Not only did my car run out of gas, the tire also punctured. 

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