ながら (N3)


We already covered Verb + ながら, but now we have to cover ながら with nouns and adjectives (states).
I am considering combining the pages, but I think its a little beyond the scope of N4.

Verb + ながら (Review)

While doing
Verb ます stem + ながら

This is the N4 Usage of ながら. It expresses “while doing”.
You should realize now that the ます stem of a verb is a kind of noun.

Reminder that ながら should be of the pattern: Main Verb+ながら + Less important Verb.


  • 食べながら話す
    Talk while eating.

  • ながら勉強する
    Study while laying down (or sleeping).

  • 運転しながら、食べる
    Eat while driving. 

State + ながら(も)

While being/Despite
State + ながら
State + でありながら

ながら can also be used with Nouns and Adjectives to mean “While being”.
It typically expresses contrast. However, certain words don’t really express contrast, but are phrases, ex:
残念ながら. – Although it is unfortunate, While unfortunate, It’s unfortunate but

You can use ながら to stress contrast; This means it can only be used with true contrast statements.
I.e. 残念ながらも is generally not used. (It’s unfortunate BUT something good).
I would say that ながらも is preferred except when it cannot be used, which are mostly phrases. (Personal opinion)
ながらも additional reading

The possibility of using states also opens up using ている with ながら。

States may additionally appear as でありながら (No significant difference).


  • 残念ながら、できない
    While unfortunate, It can’t be done.

  • 厳しいながら、温かい人だ
    While being very strict, they are a warm person.

  • おなかが空いていないながら食べた
    Despite not being hungry, (he) ate. 

  • ながら背が低い
    Despite being a man, he’s very short. 

  • 警備員でありながら逃げた
    Despite being security, they ran away. 

  • お金がないながら、充実した生活をしている
    Despite not having money, living a happy life. 

  • 不安ながら、賛成だ
    Despite being uneasy about it, I agree.

  • ながら、恥ずかしい (Weblio)
    Despite (saying so) myself, I’m embarrassed. 

  • ながら、上出来だと思う
    Despite saying so myself, I think its pretty well done. 

  • 泣いていながらも頑張った
    Despite being crying, they did their best. 

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