

As X happens, So does Y
Plain form verb + につれて
Noun + につれて

につれて is a phrase that expresses a change related to some action.
The change should be in proportion to the action. 


  • 時間がたつにつれて、かれがどんどんいら立った
    As time passed, he got more and more annoyed.

  • 雨が降るにつれて、河の水が高くなる
    As it rains, the water in the river gets higher

  • 年を取るにつれて体がだるくなる
    As you get older, your body becomes slower. 

  • 季節が変わるにつれて寒くなった
    As the season changed, it got colder.

  • 秋になるにつれて紅葉が見えるようになった
    As it became fall, became able to see fall leaves.

  • 大人になるにつれて、一緒に遊ばなくなった
    As they grew up, we played together less and less. 

See also とともに (Change)


につれて comes from つれる, a verb meaning something like “pull with”. You’ve probably heard it used as 連れて行く – bring with you.
You can think of につれて as “pulled along by” if it helps. 

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