まま and っぱなし

まま and っぱなし


Unchanged State
Plain Past Tense Verb + まま
Plain Negative verb + まま
な Adjectives + + まま
い Adjectives + まま
Nouns + + まま

まま is noun/adverb (may directly modify verbs) meaning “remaining in a state”.
It is primarily used to indicate a lack of change in a state
It is typically translated as “remained” or “as is”.
Due to representing a state, present/future tense verbs cannot be used with it.


  • ドアは開けたまま
    The door remained opened (by someone)

  • 勉強しないまま寝た
    Went to sleep without having studied. (remained not studied)

  • そのままだと危ない
    If it continues as it is, its dangerous

  • ありままでいい
    It’s good as it is. *

  • 本能ままに行動する
    Act according to instinct. 

  • まま町だ
    A town the same as it was long ago. (昔のまま is very common).

  • 外は静かままだった
    The outside remained quiet.

*ありのまま is an expression


Forgotten about
ます stem + っぱなし

っぱなし means “まま” from above, but only connects to verb ます stems. 
っぱなし has a strong nuance of “left that way” or “forgotten about“, or “forgot to finish” 

It can sometimes be used to indicate a state continued for a long time (Keep on…)


  • ドアは開けっぱなし
    The door was left open.

  • 洗濯機に入れっぱな
    Left in the washing machine.

  • 牛乳は机に置きっぱなし
     Left the milk out on the desk.

  • アラームが鳴りっぱなしになっている
    The alarm has been left to keep ringing. 

  • 火はつけっぱなしになっている
    The fire was left on.

Continued for a long time:

  • やられっぱなしだ
    Keep loosing/getting beat up. 

  • 遅刻しないように、学校まで走りっぱなしだった
    In order to not be late, He had to keep running all the way to school. 

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