This page explains common 代わりに phrases.
代わりに means “instead of”, “in exchange for”, or “as a tradeoff with”.
It can be used for people, objects, actions, and tradeoffs.
Noun + の代わりに
Instead of
Noun + の代わりに
The easiest use of 代わりに is with people and objects, where it is used with nouns and becomes の代わりに.
- 彼の代わりに行く – I will go instead of him
- リンゴの代わりにミカンを買った – I bought oranges instead of apples.
- 科学の勉強の代わりに数学の勉強をした – I studied math instead of science.
- えんぴつの代わりに、ペンを使ってしまった – I accidentally used a pen instead of a pencil.
- 彼女の代わりに、書類をもらいに行った – I went instead of her to pick up the documents.
*Do not use this for verbs, or to substitute a verb for a noun:
- 勉強の代わりに遊んだ ✖- Instead of study (noun), played.
This is equivalent to saying: Instead of an apple, I ate.
See also に代わって
Verb + 代わりに
In exchange for
Plain form verb + 代わりに
It is possible to use verbs with 代わりに、however the meaning is “In exchange for doing..“
This pattern may have 2 different subjects, or 1, depending on usage.
- 勉強する代わりに、お菓子をあげるよ。 – In exchange for you studying, I’ll give you some candy.
- 明日は、今日遊ばなかった代わりに遊ぶ – In exchange for not having played today, I will play tomorrow.
- お金をもらる代わりに、食べ物をあげる – In exchange for money, I will give you food.
- 今日頑張る代わりに、明日は休む – In exchange for working hard today, I will rest tomorrow.
Both present and past tense verbs may come before 代わりに.
In the case of past tense verbs, it is usually completion tense.
- 食べ物をもらった代わりに、掃除をした. – In exchange for having received food, he cleaned.
It may also be used for apologies:
- 約束を破った代わりに、好きなレストランをおごる。
In exchange for (as an apology for) having broken my promise, I’ll treat you to the restaurant you want.
Adjective + 代わりに
い Adjective + の代わりに
な Adjective + な代わりに
Adjectives can be used as well, however the meaning changes to “as a tradeoff”.
Usually connects opposite (good/bad) meaning words.
- 仕事が大変な代わりに、給料が高いんだ – In exchange for working being hard, the salary is high.
- テストが難しい代わりに、合格したときの達成感が高い。
In exchange for people difficult, the feeling of accomplishment when you pass is high. - 彼が優秀な代わりに、よく怠ける – In exchange for him being really good at his job, he slacks off a lot.