Verb + だけ

Verb + だけ

だけ can be used to stress amounts with verbs as well. Although だけ usually means “only” here it has a meaning closer to “as much as”. There’s a few different patterns with slightly different nuances, so let’s take a look. 

Potential Form +だけ

As much I can
Potential form Verb + だけ

With potential form verbs, this pattern means “as much as possible”. 

  • めるだけ飲んでみる – I’ll try to drink as much as I can. 
  • べられるだけご飯を食べてみる – I’ll try to eat as much food as I can eat.
  • できるだけやる – I’ll do as much as I can. 
  • 片づけられるだけ片づける – I’ll clean up as much as I can.

But be careful as this pattern may also mean “Only as much as” when used about others.

  • 食べられるだけ食べていい – Its ok to only eat as much as you can. (Don’t force yourself).
  • 走れるだけ走って – Only run as much as you can. 

できるだけ is a phrase using this pattern. Any verb may come after できる, as it is the potential form of the generic verb する。

  • できるだけ説得してみる – I’ll try to convince them as much as I can. 
  • できるだけのことはやる – I’ll do as much as I can. 


Dictionary Form + だけ

As much as I can but..
Dictionary form Verb + だけ

With a dictionary form verb, だけ means “As much as I can but…”. 
It usually indicates a small amount. It is somewhat pessimistic
This pattern kind of adds a “I don’t know” or “I’ll try…” meaning to the verb before だけ。
This pattern tends to be used as だけは more than potential + だけ. (See below)

  • 飲むだけ飲んでみる – I will try to drink, but I don’t know. (Pessimistic)
  • やってみるだけやる – I’m only going to test it out.
  • 読むだけ読む – I will read it, but I don’t know.. (maybe you won’t understand it). 


たい form + だけ

As much as you want
たい form + だけ

たい form with だけ is pretty straightforward, meaning “as much as you want“.
Typically used about other people.

  • 取りたいだけ取って – Take as much as you want.
  • 飲みたいだけ飲んで – Drink as much as you want.


You may also see these patterns as Verb + だけは + Verb.
The meaning is more or less the same, but the contrastive は’s nuance comes into play.
In other words, there may be some point of comparison left unspoken.


StackExchange (Potential + だけ vs Plain + だけ)

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