

Generic Adverbs

Adverbs modify verbs. Adverbs generally connect directly to verbs with no particle needed.

Common Adverbs


  • いつも する (itsumo suru) – always do
  • たくさん たべる (takusan taberu) – a lot eat. -> eat a lot. 
  • ときどき のむ  (tokidoki nomu) – sometimes drink. 

Adverbs from Adjectives

Adverbs from Adjectives
change the last to .
change the to .

Please read adjectives first. A lot of Japanese adverbs are created from adjectives.


For Adjectives, change the last to .

  • うれし→うれうたう (ureshii → ureshiku utau) happily sing
  • たのし→たのし あそぶ (tanoshii → tanoshiku asobu) – funly play – Happily play. 

For Adjectives, change the to .

  • しずか→しずかに あるく (shizuka na → shizuka ni aruku) quietly walk
  • きれい→きれい かたづける (kire na -> kirei ni katadzukeru) – prettily clean up.

Adjective-Adverb Comparison

  • うれし – Happy
  • うれし – Happily
  • しずか – quiet
  • しずか – quiet (something)
  • しずか – quietly 
  • いつも – Always 

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