ぜんぜん and あまり

Special Adverbs

ぜんぜん and あまり are special adverbs that refer to quantity and are almost always used with negative verbs or adjectives


ぜんぜん + Negative
Present Negative – At all
Past Negative – Didn’t at all

ぜんぜん means “completely” but is used with a negative to mean “not at all” (completely not)

In the present negative tense it means (not) at all.

  • ぜんぜんしない – Don’t do at allNever do
  • ぜんぜん食べない – Don’t eat at all (anything) → Never eat (something)
  • ぜんぜん寒くない – Not cold at all.

In the past negative tense, it means “Didn’t at all

  • ぜんぜん寝なかった – Didn’t sleep at all
  • ぜんぜん食べなかった – Didn’t eat at all 



あまり means “too much” but is used with a negative to mean “not too much

あまり + Negative
Present Negative – Not much
Past Negative – Didn’t do much

In the present negative tense it means “Not much

  • あまりしない – Don’t do a lot. →Don’t do much
  • あまり飲まない – Dont drink a lot. → Don’t drink much
  • あまりあつくない – Not that hot.

In the past tense, it means “Didn’t do much

  • あまり勉強しなかった. Didn’t study much.
  • 公園であまりあそばなかった – I didn’t play much at the park. 

See also Frequency Adverbs and Quantity Modifiers

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