Verb Conjugation

Verb Conjugation

Welcome to the first hurdle of Japanese; verbs and their conjugations. Fortunately, there are only 2 “true” tenses in Japanese. Here you will learn how to conjugate to the present-future tense, present negative tense, past tense, negative past tense, and the concept of a verb stem. But first, here’s some of the words used here.

  • Dictionary – How the verb appears in the dictionary. This is the same as present/future
  • Verb stem – The main, unalterable part of the verb. Invaluable for conjugating.
  • Present/future – A combined simple present and future tense. There is no distinction in Japanese. This is NOT present progressive.


Verb types and Verb stems

There are 2 main types of Japanese verbs; Ichidan (1 type) and Godan (5 type). For both types of verbs, you will conjugate by adding to the verb stem.

A verb stem is generally:

  • Ichidan verbs – Remove the last る
  • Godan Verbs – Remove the last “う” sound.

They look like this:

  • たべる→たべ
  • のむ(nomu)→(nom)

The best piece of advice I can give you for learning conjugations is to memorize a representative verb from each category. If you get stuck, just think back to that verb.

Ichidan Verbs ~いる(iru)・~える(eru)

Also called る (ru) verbs, most verbs ending in る are Ichidan verbs. These verbs will always end in an る or る sound. Almost all verbs with these endings are ichidan, but some godan verbs end in いる or える.

Common Ichidan Verbs

  • たべる (taberu) – to eat
  • みる (miru) – to look
  • こたえる (kotaeru) – to answer
  • 出る (deru) – to leave

Common Exceptions

The words below are not ichidan verbs, but godan verbs that look like ichidan.

  • かえる (kaeru) – to go home
  • しる (shiru) – to know
  • はしる (hashiru) – to run
  • はいる (hairu) – to enter
  • きる (kiru) – to cut

Ichidan Verb Conjugation Table

Dictionary formAs isたべるeat
Verb stemDrop the るたべ-
Present/futureSame as dictionaryたべるeat, will eat
Negativeverb stem + ないたべないNot eat, won't eat, don't eat
Pastverb stem + たたべたate
Negative Pastverbstem + なかったたべなかったNot ate, didn't eat.

Godan Verbs

Godan verbs are called that because, unlike ichidan verbs, they can change the う sound to each of the 4 other vowel sounds. You do not need to know all of these changes now.
Unfortunately, godan verbs have a lot of exceptions to their conjugations, but these still follow a pattern. These are mostly for ease of pronunciation, and you should get used to them fairly quickly. Please read the exceptions on the chart below.

Learning the rules is not ideal; you should instead just memorize a representative. Please see the last chart on this page.

Godan Verbs Conjugation Rules

Dictionary formAs isかえるgo home
Verb stemDrop the う soundかえr-
Present/futureSame as dictionaryかえるgo home, will go home
Negativeverb stem + あないかえらないnot go home, won't go home
Pastverb stem + ったかえったwent home
Negative Pastverbstem + あなかったかえらなかったDidn't go home
Verbs that end only in うAdd w to verb stem for あ soundかう→かわないう used to be "wu"
Verbs that in in つつ becomes "t", drops for past tenseかつ→かたないつ is thought of as "Tu"
Past Tense Exceptions
Verbs that end in すす becomes し before Tはなす→はなしたThe S in S+T sounds like し
Verbs that end in くDrop く、add いたかく→かいたEasier to say.
Verbs that end in ぐDrop ぐ、add いだおよぐ→およいだEasier to say.
Verbs that end in ぬ,む,ぶChange to N, after N change T to Dしぬ→しんだEasier to say.

Irregular Verbs

There are only 2 (main) irregular verbs in Japanese, する and くる. They both behave mostly like ichidan verbs except for their verb stems.
The verb stem of する is
The verb stem of くる is or .

する Table

Dictionary formするするdo
Verb stem-
Present/futureSame as dictionaryするdo, will do
Negativeverb stem + ないしないdon't do, won't do
Pastverb stem + たしたdid
Negative Pastverbstem + なかったしなかったdidn't do

くる Table

Dictionary formくるするcome
Verb stemき or こき or こ-
Present/futureSame as dictionaryくるcome, will come
Negativeverb stem + ないこないDon't come, won't come
Pastverb stem + たきたcame
Negative Pastverbstem + なかったこなかったDidn't come

Representatives chart

Verb EndingDictionary formVerb stemPresent/futureNegativePastNegative Past
る (Ichidan)たべるたべるたべないたべたべなかった

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