Starting and Ending Actions

Starting and Ending Actions

This page explains how to express starting and finishing actions. As these verb forms represent states, you will mostly use が. You should use は only if it is a general behavior. 


To start X
Verb ます Stem + はじめる

始める(はじめる) is a verb on its own that literally means “to begin (something). It can attach directly to a ます stem to mean “start an action”. This should use が。

  • はじめるStart to read.
  • はじめるStart to eat.
  • 先生はじめた – The teacher started reading. 
  • 山を登り始めたStarted climbing the mountain. 



To suddenly X
Verb ます Stem + はじめる

だす is very similar to はじめる in that it indicates the start of an action; However だす emphasizes a sudden and forceful start. This is the kind of start that surprises other people. 

  • 子供どうろにとびだした – The child jumped out in the road (suddenly). ← very common usage
  • ふりだした – It suddenly started raining. ← very common usage.
  • 急に歌いだした – He suddenly started singing
  • 読みだした ✖? – Suddenly started reading – (If reading out loud its ok, otherwise it’s wrong). 
  • 走りだしたSuddenly started running. (panic?)

だす as a verb means “to put out” something, and this meaning sometimes carries over.
This usually only happens with specific verbs, like “Jump Out”. 

  • 動物よくとびだす – Animals often jump out. 


To finish X
Verb ます Stem + はじめる

終わる(おわる) means “to finish” and when attached a verb unsurprisingly means “to finish an action”.
It is frequently used with やっと (at long last). 

  • 歌い終わったFinished singing.
  • 読み終わる Finish reading.
  • 食べ終わったFinished eating.
  • ウエブサイトはやっと作り終わった – Finally finished making the website.



To continue doing X
Verb ます Stem + はじめる

つづける means to continue. This is usually used when there is an expectation that the action will not continue. A common use is someone is doing something while ignoring something else.
It is frequently used with ても

  • 読みつづける Continue reading.
  • 食べつづけるContinue eating.
  • 座りつづけるContinue sitting.
  • 地震が起こっても、食べ続けた – Even though there was an earthquake, he continued eating. 
  • 20時になっても、かれは働きつづけた – Even though it was 8 p.m., he continued to work.
  • 80歳になっても、働き続けるKeep working even though they are 80. 

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