と (Conditional)
If X, of course Y
Noun/な Adjective だと Y
Plain form verb/い Adjective + と Y
と as a conditional means “If Y, of course X”. It is used to express a natural result or conclusion. Typically, this result happens soon afterwards, and/or is uncontrollable or unavoidable. It can be translated as “and” or “of course”
It is frequently used with いい to say something will definitely (naturally) be good.
It also frequently used with よ.
- これを飲むといいよ – It will be good if you drink it (It’s good).
- 人をなぐるとたいほされるよ – Hit people and of course you’ll be arrested.
- 死ぬと遊べなくなるよ – Die and of course you won’t be able to play anymore. (duh)
- さぼると叱られる – Slack off and of course you’ll be yelled at.
- 彼が一人になるといつも遊ぶ – If he’s alone, of course he always starts playing.
- 大声だすと、見られるよ – If you talk loudly and of course you’ll be stared at.
With Nouns, と shows a natural conclusion based on X fact. It tends to be used with a comma after it and だろう/でしょう.
- きしだと、強いだろう? – If he’s a knight, he must be strong right?
- 先生だと、あたまがいいだろう? – If he’s a teacher, he must be smart right?
Past Tense
と can also sometimes be used like たら is with past tense verbs to show that something surprising happened when you were doing something else. As opposed to たら, と feels closer to the start of an action rather than the end. (To me).
- テレビをみていると、お母さんが訪ねてきた – My mom came to visit while I was watching TV.
- 本を読んでいると、大きな音がした – While I was reading a book, I heard a loud sound.
- 本を拾うと、大きな音がした – As soon as I picked up a book, I heard a loud sound.
- 薬を飲むと眠くなった – As soon as I drank the medicine I got sleepy.