

じゃないか is typically used to make tag questions, a statement that seeks agreement (not so much confirmation). Sort of like “It’s a cat, isn’t it?”.
か may or may not be used, but men will typically want to use か and women will almost never use か。
This is kind of hard to explain, so please see the references at the bottom for additional reading.

Tag Question (Rising intonation)

じゃないか↑ (Rising intonation)
It is, isn’t it?

This is the じゃないか you need to know for N4.

じゃないか↑ literally means “it isn’t?”. It is used with rising intonation (sounds like a question) to strengthen its statement. This is called a tag question in English. 

You use じゃないか↑ when you’re pretty sure and want the other person to agree.  Despite ending in か, it actually makes the statement it attaches to stronger.
じゃないか↑ tries to get the other person to agree by implying agreement. 
It may be easier to think of it as “right?“. 


  • いいじゃない? – Good isn’t it? (It’s ok, you agree right?)
  • ただのごみじゃないか – That’s just some trash, isn’t it? (say yes) 
  • やればできるじゃないか – Can’t you do it if you try. (You can do it if you try, right?)

ね and じゃないか

じゃないか↑ is very similar to ね.
With ね agreement is not really an issue. It’s used mostly for obvious facts. 
じゃないか has slightly more uncertainty, and wants the listener to agree. 

  • 暑いね – It’s hot, huh? (It’s obviously hot outside).
  • 疲れているね – You’re tired, huh. (after a long day at work)
  • 大変じゃないか↑ – That’s difficult isn’t it? (I bet that’s difficult)
  • 優しいじゃないか↑ – They’re nice aren’t they? (you agree right?)


Emotion (Falling intonation)

じゃないか↓ (falling intonation)
Wow/Nice Job/Oh!

じゃないか↓ can also be used to show emotion; typically surprise or elation. This is rarer than the tag question version, and has falling intonation
It is most typically used when someone had doubted something (that maybe you didn’t).
This adds emotion into a statement, usually surprise or adulation. It can impart a feeling of see? I told you.., Wow, or Nice job into the sentence. 


  • 勉強したらできるじゃないか?- See, you can do it when you study.
  • やったじゃない – You did it (surprise/nice job) 
  • 合格したじゃないか – You passed didn’t you!
  • やるじゃない – Wow you can do it well.  (surprise)


This site does a great job of explaining it, in Japanese.
Dainichi’s answer (English)

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