Causative Passive Form
Passive Causative Form
Causative Form Verb させる→させられる
The causative passive form is a combination of the passive and causative forms. It is formed by conjugating the causative form into the passive. It usually carries a negative connotation, and means something like “get made to do”. Its a negative (connotation) version of the “made to do” meaning of the causative form.
Particle usage
Particle wise, it follows passive form particle usage:
Receiver (は/が) + Actor (に)+ passive causative form verb.
- 親に勉強させられた – get made to study by parents
- 日本の学校では制服を着せられることが多い – (Kids) often get made to wear uniforms at Japanese Schools.
- ルームメートにアパートを片付けさせられる – I get made to clean the apartment by my roommate.
Shortened Causative-Passive
This form can and is often shortened as well, by conjugating the shortened causative form さす/す。This shortening always becomes あ+~される. This really only works for godan verbs:
- 立つ→たたない→たたす→たたされる
Words that create a ささ sound (Ichidan verbs and す ending verbs) cannot be shortened:
- 話さす→話さされる✖
- All ichidan verbs: さす→さされる✖
- 廊下に立たされている – (someone) is being forced to stand in the hall.
- しゃざいを書かされた – Made to write an apology.