Special Potential Verbs

Special Potential Verbs

This page explains a few special potential verbs: 見える、聞こえる, わかる, and ある

見る and 聞く

見る and 聞く have two different potential forms:

  • 見る: 見える and 見られる
  • 聞く: 聞こえる and 聞ける

and 聞こ are both used when you can see or hear something. They describe a physical possibility.

見られる and 聞ける are used when there is a possibility to see or hear something. They describe opportunity. When conditions (time, place, weather, etc.) become involved, みられる and 聞ける become more natural.

Additional (Japanese) reading


  • (私に)テレビが見た – I could see the TV. (Visible)
  • (私は)テレビが見られた – I was able to (watch) the TV. (Opportunity)
  • いい話が聞こえた – I heard a good story. (eavesdropping)
  • いい話が聞た – I was able to hear a good story.  (Opportunity)
  • 先生に聞た – I was able to ask the teacher. (Opportunity)
  • 先生に聞こえた – The teacher heard (something). (Eavesdropping)
  • 富士山が見ます – Mt. Fuji can be seen. (Visible)
  • 富士山が見られます – Mt. Fuji may be seen. (Opportunity).


わかる has no potential form, because it is a state of understanding. This is also why it uses が and not を。

知る (to know), however, does have a potential form: 知れる (to be knowable). 


The potential form of ある is not あられる nor あれる. When you need to use the potential of ある you need to use a special verb ありえる or ありうる. Both pronunciations mean the same thing, though ありうる tends to only be used in the simple present tense.

  • その話はありうる – That story is possible/conceivable
  • それはありえない – That’s not possible

ありえない is also frequently used as an exclamation to an unbelievable story. 

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