
より and ほう


Rather than A

より means “rather than” ; However it is not typically used alone. It is a particle; it attaches directly to Adjectives, nouns and verbs.

Because it means “rather than” it usually implies that the other thing is better in some way; Because of this that it tends to be used with ほうが.  When it isn’t used with ほうが、the ほうが is implied. 


  • あそぶより、べんきょうする。- Study rather than play. 
  • ざんぎょうするより帰る。- Rather go home than do overtime. 
  • たべるより、寝たい – Rather than study, I want to sleep.
  • より、猫がいい – Rather than dogs, cats are good.



More adjective; “er”
Verbs, い adjectives + ほうが
Nouns, な Adjectives + ほうが

ほう itself is a noun that means “direction”. In this context it means something like “of all the choices, this one”. It’s kind of like a finger pointing at a choice. It is used for comparisons. 
Due to it’s comparative nature, it basically adds “er” to the adjective that follows it. 

Because ほう is a noun, it means that Verbs and い adjectives attach to it as is; but nouns must use  and な adjectives must use な.

It is typically seen as ほうが adjective; and is commonly used with より


  • 先生ほうが頭がいい – The teacher (as opposed to someone) is smarter.
  • このねこほうがかわいい – This cat is cuter. 
  • デザートをたべないほうがいい – It’s better to not eat desert. 


B is more ____ than A
 Aより, BほうがAdjective
Aより~ Noun/な AdjectiveほうがAdjective

This leads us to the combined grammar of ~より、~ほうが。 It means what you expect. You may change the order of ほうが and より、and you may omit one or the other.
When both より and ほうが are used, the first one tends to have a comma after it.


  • より、ほうが好き – Rather than dogs, cats are the one I like. → I like cats more than dogs.
  • 自転車で行ほうが、あるくよりはやい。- Going by bike is faster than going on foot.
  • 高いより、安ほうがいい。- Rather than expensive, it’s better if it’s cheap.
  • 彼に聞より自分でさがす(ほうがいい)I’d rather search alone than ask him.
  • ラーメンほうがいい。 – Ramen is better (than something else).
  • ぺんは剣より強い。- Pen(s) are stronger than sword(s).



A is better than B
 Aより~ Noun/な Adjectiveほうがいい

ほうがいい is the ほうが above, + いい. You probably already know what it means. It’s listed as a separate pattern because いい’s meaning of “good” changes to “better” in English; and it is a very useful phrase for communicating preference.

  • 日本語のほうがいい。- Japanese is better (than something)
  • ペンよりえんぴつのほうがいい。- Pencil is better than pen.

See also: Verb + ほうがいい

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