This page explains another する・なる pair, ようにする and ようになる。
Try to
Plain form verb + ようにする
ように can be used with する to mean something like “do so that X happens”.
Its kind of like にする with verbs, meaning “Decide to do a verb”,
but tends to be used to mean “Tried to” or “Make sure to”. (“Tried” doesn’t mean failed here)
I don’t personally see a difference between the two in Japanese.
For simplicity, you can just think “try to make sure to”
Try to
The try to meaning is usually past tense. In the past tense, ようにする will almost always be “tried“.
It does not mean that the action failed.
- バッタを捕まえるようにした – I tried to catch the grasshopper. (you may have caught it)
- 役に立つようにしている – I’m trying to be helpful
- 嘘をつかないようにしている – I’m trying not to lie
- 優しく言うようにした – I tried to (made sure) say it nicely
- やせるようにしています – I’m trying to lose weight.
Try (not) to
This is the usage sometimes translated as “make sure (not) to”. This usage tends to use negative forms and words like ください or 注意してください。
- 宿題をしっかりするようにしました – I made sure to do my homework. (I tried to)
- 宿題をしっかりするようにしましたが.. – I tried to make sure I did my homework, but…
- 忘れ物がないようにしてください – Make sure you don’t forget anything. (try not to forget)
- 先生を怒らせないようにしてください – Definitely make sure you don’t make the teacher angry.
- 宿題をするようにしてください – Make sure you do (try to do) your homework.
- 無礼がないように気を付けてください – Be careful (that) you aren’t impolite.
See also てみる (to test)
To become such that
Plain form verb + ように
ようになる is essentially になる for verbs and means something like “to become such that”.
There are 2 basic ways to use it:
- With a present tense verb (Custom or habit change)
- With a potential verb (Ability change).
Habit Change
Present tense verb + ようになる is typically used to express a change in habit. This is because simple present tense expresses what you do normally. I.E:
- 酒を飲む – I drink alcohol.
- 酒を飲むようになった – It became that I drink alcohol. (I started drinking alcohol)
- さかなを食べるようになる – It will become that (you) eat fish. (You will start eating fish).
- 学校に行くようになっている – It has become that I go to school. (It is right now).
Bad sentences:
- 背が高いようになる✖ – It will become that I back taller(?). – Not an action nor habit/personality trait.
背が高くなる〇 - 女が好きようになる✖ – You will start like women – Close but not an action (in Japanese)
女を好むようになる〇 – You will start to like women. (verb)
女が好きになる〇 – Women will become liked.
Ability Change
Potential form + ようになる indicates that someone learned or became able to do something.
*potential verbs act more like verbs here and tend to take を, though they may still use が。
- 自転車を乗れるようになった – Became able to ride a bike.
- 日本語を話せるようになる – Become able to speak Japanese.
- 眠れないようになっている – Became (and still is) unable to sleep.
Bad Examples:
- 飲めなかったが、飲むようになった – I wasn’t able to drink it, but started drinking it.
This sentence is maybe passable, but would feel better with either 飲まなかった or 飲めるように. It’s maybe passable because the 飲むようになる part would imply 飲める.
Quick Comparison
- 学校に行くことになった – The outcome is that I go to school. (decided by nature/parents/police)
- 学校に行くようになった – It became that I go to school. (For some reason, maybe I chose)