Quotation と

Quotation Particle と

plain form sentence + と + Verb*

と can be used as a quotation marking particle. Essentially, this adds quotes around the sentence it attaches to, and makes it into an adverb. There must be a verb capable of taking quotations after と (Ie, say, think, feel. read, write)


  • 「かのじょはきれいだ」 いった – (someone) said ”she is pretty”. 
  • 「かわいいだ」 おもった – I thought “She’s cute”. 
  • かのじょがすきだ いった – He said he likes her. 
  • ほんとうにやさしいひと かんじた – I felt that they were truly a nice person. 
  • べんきょうするいって、へやにいった – They said they were going to study and went to their room. 
  • きょうしつとかいてある – “classroom” is written there.
  • 「漢字」は「かんじ」とよむ – 漢字 is read as かんじ.

「」is the Japanese version of quotation marks. They may be freely omitted, unless the exact wordage is important. 

Special Adverbs

As touched on above, the と particle turns a sentence into a type of adverb. Because of this, a certain class of adverbs, mostly onomatopoeia, also use と to connect to a verb.
Onomatopoeia are really really common in Japanese and far too numerous to put here. I will make a page for them later under vocabulary.

  • しっかりやってください – Do it properly
  • 猫がニャー鳴いた – The cat cried “meow”.  
  • ぴかぴか光っている – (Something) is sparkling. (Sparkly shining)

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