Nounにする and Nounになる

Nounにする and Nounになる

~にする and ~になる are similar to each other, but differ with regards to the actor:

  • する implies a decision or effort by an actor.
  • なる implies a natural change or result. (no actor)
  • This particular meaning must be used with nouns.

You must use and not を。

  • あかをなる✖ – I become to red. Literally you are doing “become” to red.
  • あかをする✖ – I do red. “red”ing. 



To decide on
Noun + にする (to decide on)

~にする is a pattern that means to “decide on”. It can only be used with used (in this sense) with nouns.  it indicates a decision


  • あかした – I chose red./I decided on red
  • パスタする – I choose pasta./I decided on the pasta. (at a restaurant)
  • ご飯した – I chose rice./I decided on rice. 
  • ピカチュウした – I chose Pikachu. (as my starter)

See also ことにする



To become
Noun + になる

~になるis a pattern that means to become.  It indicates a a change in state.
The actor for なる is the thing itself. It cannot be done by a third party. (Intransitive)


  • あかなった– It became red. (on its own)
  • パスタなる – It will become pasta. (naturally if cooked)
  • 彼がサイボーグなった – He became a cyborg. *
    *Although someone probably made him into a cyborg, there’s no actor in this sentence

See also: ことになる and Adverb+する・なる

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