Calendar dates

Calendar Dates

In English, January 1st is read as January first, and not January one.  Calendar dates in Japan also get a different pronunciation. Please note, however, that these are not ordinal (sequence) numbers nor units of time. These words apply specifically to dates

Date Rules

Format: Year/Month/Day
Year: Number + 年(ねん)
Month: # of Month in order + 月(がつ)
Day: See chart.

The Japanese date format is Year/Month/Day (big to small)

Years are just number + 年 (ねん). This is also the counter for years.

  • 2022年 – にせん にじゅうに ねん

The name for the months is just their calendar order +月(がつ). 

  • 1月 – いち がつ – 1st month – January
  • 11月 – じゅういち がつ – 11th month –  November

The days of the month are harder, because the 1st-10th, as well as the 20th have special pronunciations.
Additionally, days ending in 4 are Xよっか。 Dates ending in 9 are Xくにち as opposed to よん or きゅう
Please see the charts below. 

Months of the Year

January1いち がつichi gatsu
February2に がつni gatsu
March3さん がつsan gatsu
April4よん がつyon gatsu
May5ご がつgo gatsu
June6ろく がつroku gatsu
July7なな がつnana gatsucan also be しち がつ
August8はち がつhachi gatsu
September9 がつku gatsu
October10じゅう がつjyuu gatsu
November11じゅういち がつjyuuichi gatsu
December12じゅうに がつjyuuni gatsu

Days of the Month

NumberDay (date)
~日 (にち)
Day RomajiNotes
3みっかmikkamitsu but tsu became small
4よっかyokkayotsu but tsu became small
8ようかyouka8 days is longer than 4, long O sound.
11じゅう いち にちjuu ichi nichi
12じゅう に にちjuu ni nichiPattern continues except 14, 19, 20, 24
14じゅう よっかjuu yokka
19じゅう  にちjuu ku nichi
24にじゅう よっかni jyuu yokka

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