Sentence Conjunctions

Basic Sentence Conjunctions

This page explains four common sentence conjunctions:

その上 – On top of that. Must both be good or both bad. 
それで – “because of that” “therefore” AそれでB – A caused B
それに – And. The sentences must be related somehow. 
それから – And then

These words go at the start of a sentence following another sentence.


On top of that/In addition to

その上 (そのうえ) means “on top of that“.
Both sentences must be the same type of thing. IE, both good or both bad. You can’t mix and match.


  • 彼は村一のお金もち。その上イケメンだ。
    He’s the richest person in the village. On top of that, he’s handsome.

  • 彼女は誰よりも優しい。その上、とてもかわいい
    She’s nicer than anyone. On top of that, she’s very cute. 


Because of that

それで means “because of that” or “by that” “then”. It suggests causation.


  • 彼はかいぶつを倒した。それで町がまた平和になった.
     He slayed the monster. Because of that, the village became peaceful again.

  • 彼は酒をたくさん飲んだ。それでひみつを話した。
    He drank a lot of alcohol. Because of that, he talked about the secret.



それに basically means “and”. It is typically used to describe qualities of something like そのうえ. There must be a logical relation between the sentences though. それに tends to place emphasis on the qualities being described. 


  • そのレストランの料理はすっごくまずかった。それに高かった。
    That restaurants food was terrible. And it was expensive.

  • このジムは近い。それに安い
    This gym is close. And its cheap. 


And then

それから means “and then”. It just describes something happening next sequentially.


  • 彼女はバットを置いて、いすにすわった。それから机から本をだした。
    She put the bat down and sat in a chair. Then she took a book out from the desk.

  • 彼は家に帰って食べた。それからかじをした。
    He returned home and ate. Then he did chores. 

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