て form

て form

The て form of a word is a form that connects it to another word, sort of like “and”.
Different parts of speech connect to different words, so be careful. See the Summary Chart at the bottom. 

As verbs are the last part of every sentence, the て form of a verb essentially connects 2 sentences.  It functions somewhat like the sentence conjunction “and“.


Verb て Form

Verb て form “and verb”
Ichidan, Godan, and Irregular: Change past tense た→て or だ→で

The て form of a verb connects a verb to another verb. Since verbs are required in every sentence, the て form can be used to connect two sentences, like the sentence conjunction “and”.


Ichidan verbs -> stem + て

  • たべる→たべ→たべて

Godan verbs -> Change あ to え in simple past. ie: た→て だ→で

  • かえる→かえっ→かえっ
  • よむ→よん→よん

Irregular verbs:

  • する→して
  • くる→きて

Usage and Examples

When you use て form, sequential order is usually implied. Tense is decided by the last verb in the sequence.

  • はんた。 - Ate food and slept. (Ate then slept)
  • 、 ごはんを食べた。 – Slept and ate food. (Slept then ate)
  • ほんばんはんをつくる。 – I will read a book and make dinner.

Adjective て form

Adjective て form (“and adjective”)
い Adjectives: drop い, add くて
な Adjectives: Use instead of な

You can use the て form with adjectives to connect them to other adjectives. To make the て form of an adjective:

い Adjectives: Drop い、add くて (basically adverb + て)

  • 大きく、赤い – Big and Red.

な Adjectives: Use instead of な. This is a state.

  • 静か涼しいよる – (is a) quiet and cool night.
  • 静かよる ✖ – Quiet and night →静かよる – Quiet night. 

If you want to link an adjective to a noun, leave it as is (い adjectives) or use な (な Adjectives)
If you want to link an adjective to a verb (adverb), use く form (い adjectives) or に (な adjectives)

Noun て Form

Noun て form (Noun and Noun/Adjective)
NounNoun/Adjective (is ___ and ___)

The て form of a noun is noun+. It must link to a noun, adjective, or verb

  • つよい。 “(is a) man and strong”
  • えいゆうゆうめいな人 -(They) are a hero and a famous person. 
  • おとこがいこくじんだ – A man and a foreigner. 
  • ちいさいからだがんばる – Tries hard with a small body. 



Adverbs have no て form, because they already connect to other adverbs and verbs as they are. If you try to make the て form it becomes くて which is the adjective て form

Summary Chart

TypeRuleExampleLinks to
IchidanStem + てたべてLinks to verb
GodanFrom past tense change final あ to えかえった→かえってLinks to verb
い AdjectiveDrop い、+くて楽しくてLinks to Adjective
な AdjectiveUse でしずかでいいLinks to Adjective
NounUse で男でやさしいLinks to Noun or Adjective
AdverbAs is嬉しくLinks to Verb or Adverb

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