The Best/Most


The best/most

一番 (いちばん) literally means ”number 1″, ie “the best“. Ichiban is a special type of adjective; It’s treated like an adjective, but uses の to modify nouns; it can directly modify adjectives. 


いちばん is most commonly paired with an adjective to mean “the ~est”

  • 一番好きな人はかれだ – The person I like most is him.
  • 一番かわいい人は僕の彼女だ。 – The cutest person is my girlfriend.


It means “the best” or “most” when modifying a noun

  • 彼が一番だ。 – He’s the most/best (something). 
  • 一番おかねもち – The most rich person. (of some group)
  • 彼女は一番やきゅうせんしゅ – She’s the best baseball player. 

When modifying a noun, it is commonly substituted with  世界一(せかいいち) “Best in the world”

  • 世界一のお金持ち – Richest person in the world. 
  • 世界一のわるもの – Most bad person in the world.
  • 世界一の野球選手 – The best baseball player in the world.



From X, Y is the best/most (adjective)
X (Group) なか、Y一番(Adjective)

なか means “inside” or “within”. In this case, it refers to a group of choices.
Xなか means “Amongst X“.
It is often combined with 一番(いちばん) combined to describe the best choice from some options. Since this is a specific choice and an adjective, you are going to use .

の中で limits a statement to a particular subset.


  • じゅぎょうの中でにほんごいちばん。- Amongst (my) classes, Japanese is the best.
  • 先生の中で、かれ一番すきだ。- Amongst my teachers, I like him the most. 
  • ウエブサイトのなかで、Hakushiki 一番すきだ。 Out of all the websites, I like Hakushiki the best.


  • この本一番好きだ。- This is my most liked book. (In the world). 
  • このとしょかんの本の中で、この本が一番すきだ。- This is book is my favorite in this library.

See also のほうが

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