Frequency Adverbs

Frequency Adverbs

This page looks at some of the most common frequency adverbs in Japanese. 

Quick Guide

いつも – All the time
いつでも – Any time
よく – Often
ときどき – Sometimes
たまに – Occasionally
まれに – Rarely


いつも means always or all the time.

  • 納豆をいつも食べている- Always eating nattou. 
  • いつも本を読んでいる – Always reading a book.
  • いつも12時に寝ます – Always go to bed at 12. 



いつでも means anytime.

  • いつでも聞いて – Ask me anytime
  • いてでも頼って – Rely on me anytime. 



よく is an adverb that attaches before a verb (or verb clause) and means “often”.

  • 本をよく読みます。I often read books.
  • よく勉強する – I often study.
  • 本をよく読みました。ー I read books often. (past tense)
  • よく本を読みました – I often read books. (same as above)


As praise

よく can also be used in the past tense to mean “did well” (from the word good). This is a compliment about someone else.

  • よく読みましたね。- Good job reading (it).
  • よく食べました。- Ate well. (probably quantity)


ときどき (時々) means sometimes. It may also use to modify a noun.

  • 時々本を読みます。- I sometimes read a book.
  • 晩ご飯を時々作ります。- (I) sometimes make dinner.
  • 時々のおきゃくさま。- The occasional guest.



たまに means occasionally. It requires the に particle because it refers to time and “たま” is actually a な adjective (not used).

  • たまにいく – occasionally go
  • 魚をたまに食べる – Occasionally eat fish
  • たまにレストランで食べる – Occasionally eat at a restaurant.


まれ is a な adjective that means rarely. It’s adverb form is まれに

  • 色違いのポケモンはまれにあらわれる – Rarely, a shiny Pokémon will appear. 


See also Quantity Modifiers and ぜんぜん and あまり

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