N5 Particles Summary Table

N5 Particles Summary Table

This chart has all of the usages of particles (single かな particles) discussed in the Beginner and N5 content, with links and examples. If I missed a usage, please let me know below.

Topic Markerわたし先生ですI am a teacher
Alsoわたし先生ですI am also a teacher.
EmphasisひとりもこなかったNot a single person came.
Subject Markerかれ食べたHe ate it
But行きたい、いそがしいI want to go but I'm busy
Questions (in place of は)だれたべたWho ate it
SpecificityねこすきI like cats
Answers to questionsかれ食べたHe ate it
Making a question食べました?Did you eat?
"or" in a listねこ犬、どちらがすき?Do you like cats or dogs?
Location marker学校いる(someone) is at school.
End Point Marker学校いくGo to school
Two Party Verbsかれにほんごを教えるTeach Japanese to him.
Adverb MarkerしずかよむQuietly read
Goal/Purpose MarkerたべいくGo to eat.
"Result marker" (する・なる)ロボットなるBecome a robot
Time Marker12じたべるEat at twelve
General Direction MarkerやまむかうGo towards the mountains.
Location marker (area)学校べきょうするStudy in school.
"How" MarkerべんきょうするStudy with a book.
"How" MarkerでんしゃいくGoby train
"Things like"りんごみかん(things like) apples or oranges
"and"リンゴばななApple(s) and Banana(s)
Withかれ話したI talked with him.

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